
Uniting for Healthier Fats: Why We Joined The Clean Oil Crew

Clean Oil Crew-Better for you Cooking Oils. No seed oils.

If you aren’t paying attention to what you eat, you likely consume industrial seed oils like canola, soybean, and sunflower oil without even realizing it. What you also might not realize is that consuming these oils regularly can have detrimental health effects. That’s why more brands are joining the Clean Oil Crew, a collaborative group dedicated to promoting more sustainable cooking oils. These are alternatives to harmful and environmentally-unfriendly options like vegetable oil. 

What Is The Clean Oil Crew?

The Clean Oil Crew is an organization created by multiple businesses dedicated to promoting cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable alternatives to commonly used inflammatory oils. Five companies founded the Clean Oil Crew in March 2022 and the group is consistently growing. 

Why Are Clean Oils So Important?

There are several reasons why all of the organizations in the Clean Oil Crew are so dedicated to eliminating inflammatory industrial oils and promoting healthier alternatives like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil and ghee. 

  • Trans fats: Some industrial oils are high in trans fats. Consumed in excess, these can contribute to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and other health concerns. Margarine and non-hydrogenated vegetable oil frequently contain trans fats. Margarine and non-hydrogenated vegetable oil can be found in some ice cream and cookies.

  • Omega-6 vs Omega-3 imbalance: Human bodies need both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to function, and we can only get these from our diet. We need to get a proper ratio of these fatty acids, about 1:1, to thrive. 

Even so, the Western diet encourages people to eat significantly more omega-6 than omega-3. This causes imbalances that can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and other severe problems. Oils like soybean, corn, and other seed oils contain omega-6 and can contribute to nutrition imbalances, meaning you should not consume them in excess.

One of the founders of the Clean Oil Crew explained the importance of clean oils when making food: “Vegetable and seed oils are becoming more and more common in our natural food world, which is why we called upon A Dozen Cousins, Cappello’s, Primal Kitchen, and RIND Snacks to help us educate consumers about the processing of clean oils and the benefits of these oils to human health.” 

Charles Coristine, CEO of LesserEvil, explained in a press release, “we want everyone to join us and redefine what it means to be a clean brand and conscious consumer.”

Coconut with Sunglasses - Clean Oil Crew

Which Brands Are A Part Of The Clean Oil Crew?

Five businesses founded the Clean Oil Crew. They all share the organization’s mission to encourage consumers and other brands to make a change when it comes to the clean unrefined oils they ingest. Since the organization’s start in early 2022, multiple other companies have joined the cause, including Jackson’s. 

A Dozen Cousins

A Dozen Cousins creates healthy and sustainable ready-to-eat products inspired by Creole, Caribbean, and Latin American recipes. A Dozen Cousins uses alternatives like avocado oil rather than more common yet unhealthy options.


Cappello’s sells grain-free pasta, frozen pizza, and vegan cookie dough. Using healthy, sustainable options like coconut oil and olive oil, Cappello’s can reinvent fan-favorite dishes while keeping the flavors you love the most. 


LesserEvil creates various lines of trendy, healthy alternatives to your favorite foods in the snack aisle. Options include Organic Popcorn, Grain-Free Organic Puffs, Grain-Free Egg White Curls, Keto Certified Mini Cookies, and Veggie Sticks.

Primal Kitchen

Primal Kitchen is your one-stop shop for healthy condiments, sauces, cooking oils, pantry staples, and more. You won’t find unhealthy choices on your digital grocery trip to Primal Kitchen. Instead, you’ll discover nutrient-dense oils like avocado oil. 


RIND Snacks makes dried fruit products that include the peel, minimizing waste and using only the most natural of ingredients. 

Jackson’s Joins Clean Oil Crew 

Jackson’s joined the Clean Oil Crew family in late September 2020 along with other businesses including Brad's Plant Based, which produces veggie chips. Daily Crunch makes nut products while Dalci's makes healthy brownies and blondies. Elavi offers superfood nut butter and various other products.

The team at Jackson’s understands the importance of using clean oils in products. Jackson’s was founded thanks to a family’s need for healthier options after finding that they were rarely available on the shelves at local grocery stores. 

“When our son Jackson was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder, our top priority was to find ways to ease his symptoms,” said Megan and Scott Reamer, founders of Jackson’s. “After much trial and error, we discovered that a high-fat, low-carb diet—with an emphasis on coconut oil and other premium fats—greatly improved both his health and quality of life.”

“We set out to make our own [snack foods],” they further explained. “We began cooking locally-grown, thinly-sliced sweet potatoes low and slow in coconut oil on our stovetop. The results were delicious!”

How To Join The Clean Oil Crew

The Clean Oil Crew is always looking for more brands that understand the importance of raising awareness about how vegetable and seed oils affect our health and environment. 

If you are a brand interested in joining the Clean Oil Crew or you are a consumer who wants to nominate a brand to join the Clean Oil Crew, fill out the form on the coalition’s official site. In the meantime, check out our delicious selection of Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips made with clean oils!