
Meg’s Snack Corner: Jackson’s Chips




Since the release of my first seed oil piece, I have been fortunate enough to engage in thought provoking dialogue on seed oils and the ancestral lifestyle as a whole. Among the hundreds of questions and comments, the common theme among them all was, ‘I will stop consuming seed oils, but what snacks can I eat?’


Let’s start with what are seed oils?

  • The simple, most basic answer: seed oils are processed oils industrially extracted from genetically modified crops


Seed oils are highly inflammatory and contain large amounts of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs). PUFAs are unstable compounds that form a hefty variety of toxins when exposed to chemical stresses such as high heat, high pressure, exposure to metals and bleaching agents- all of which happen to these vegetable/seed oils in the refining and manufacturing process. In the 1800s, we went from consuming 0 grams of vegetable/seed oils to now a whopping average of 80 grams PER DAY (80 grams= 6 tablespoons), making it the single greatest change to nutrition in history.


On this journey, I have found that people want to be healthy, but don’t know where to start or what to look for. It has been ingrained in them that they need to compromise taste in order to have a healthy snack, but that is absolutely not the case.


One of my all time favorite seed oil-free snacks is Jackson’s Chips. I first discovered Jackson’s chips at my hometown coffee shop shortly after I cut out seed oils and made the change to a more ancestral lifestyle. After one bite, I was instantly hooked, and finished the entire bag in the car on the 3-minute drive home. I could not believe how incredibly tasty they were, especially as a clean option.


I often talk about how our body is a gift and that we must treat it well. I aim to do the best I can with that, even with my snack choices. I love Jackson’s because they are intentionally made with nutrient dense ingredients such as sweet potatoes and ‘ancestral’ or ‘clean’ oils.


The reality is, better ingredients lead to better snacks. Sweet potatoes are versatile and nutritious, packing a significant amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese with other benefits such as immune and brain function, gut health, and even eye health.


If you haven’t read my piece of the dangers of seed oils, check out my cheatsheet below on oils to avoid and oils to use:




Jackson’s uses #megapproved avocado oil and coconut oil in all of their chips, with minimal ingredients, all while ensuring the utmost quality. It’s no wonder that they are addictive.


They offer the following options:

  • Coconut oil unsalted
  • Avocado oil with sea salt
  • Coconut oil with sea salt
  • Avocado oil spicy tomatillo
  • Avocado oil Carolina BBQ


I’ve gotten my entire family and so many friends hooked on their chips. Our favorite meal to eat them with is 100% grass fed beef or bison burgers and cheddar. My husband Albert's top choice is the Carolina BBQ with avocado oil and mine are both sea salt options (avocado oil and coconut oil), but we always have our pantry stocked with every single kind.



Where can I find them?

By using this link or using the code MEGMB on jacksonschips.com, you can receive a discount to all of my favorite chips. I personally order them online to save money along with the convenience factor of being shipped straight to my door, but Jackson’s can also be found at your local Costco, Whole Foods, Sam's Club and more. More information on where to find them can be found on the store locator on their website.


When you give them a try, let me know what you think!


Happy and healthy snacking!




Meghan Maloof Berdellans, née Connolly, is a seasoned professional with a background in digital marketing and real estate. She developed her pedigree and work ethic in her hometown of New York City, where she led successful projects ranging from viral rainbow bagels in Brooklyn to Pope Francis with the Vatican & Archdiocese of New York, landing her dog as a model in New York Fashion Week and beyond.


Want to read more of Meghan's work? Check out her website!